So I'm off to Marrakesh for a Yoga Retreat in May and to get me in the mood for rocking the casbah and suchlike I thought I'd give the Lamb Chop Tagine with Minted Fluffy Cous Cous a try - Page 88. Unlike traditional tagines which need long slow cooking this was a quicker method although it seemed rather strange to have to cook a panfull of only onions, stock & spices for 30 minutes before even adding the lamb, but I did as I was told.
I pretty much followed the exact recipie and method which does call for quite a lot of different spices but all ones that I had in the storecupboard so nothing too unusual to buy and never use again. I didn't have any green olives (and don't really like them!) so used black ones and I halved the quantity of prunes as there seemend to be loads of them and I feared the after effects!
Alas my cous cous was anything but fluffy - stodgy and porridge like would be a better description! Its not usually something I have problems with cooking so don't quite know what went wrong but will stick to my own tried and tested method of preperation in the future.
Boy though it was amazing and especailly enjoyed the prunes, Girl turned up her nose and refused all black bits, and all the bits in the cous cous, and all the chick peas - I guess she perhaps ate a bit of the lamb. Why do I bother?!
Unfortunately one of my major bugbears of recipie books has been rearing its ugly head in Giraffe - no pictures for some recipies. ARGH! I can't tell you how much it puts me off not being able to see what I'm supposed to be cooking. So as to whether it turned out looking like it should have I have absolutely no idea - and that really annoys me. At a rough estimate I'd guess there are only photos for half of the book so black marks from me for that.
Would definately make it again, lovely robust flavours and nice and quick. However I might be tempted to buy a Tagine Pot on holiday and try making the real deal. Then again my measily Ryan Air luggage allowance probably won't even cover my yoga mat - let alone souvenirs.
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